Invited Talk - June 06, 03.15, HG G26.1
Memcomputing: from abstract machines to practical realizations - Prof. Fabio Lorenzo Traversa, University of California San Diego & Politecnico di Torino
My Thesis in 180s Finalist
Romain Jacob made it to the final of the "My Thesis in 180s", organized this year by Nano-Tera. Congratulations!
Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting
Our projects X-Sense2, OpenSense and UltrasoundToGo were presented at the Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting at EPFL. Check it out!
Invited Talk - May 31, 01.15, HG E1.1
COMPRESSIVE SENSING: FROM ALGORITHMS TO CIRCUITS - Prof. Gianluca Setti, University of Ferrara, Italy
ACM SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award
Dr. Marco Zimmerling Wins 2015 ACM SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award