Best Paper Award @ ICPADS 2017

Balz Maag receives the Best Paper Award from the ICPADS 2017 Conference. Congratulations!
“We are seeing a fundamental shift”

Prof. Thiele has been appointed representative for digital transformation by the ETH Executive Board.
Best Poster Award @ SenSys'17

Felix Sutton receives the Best Poster Award from the SenSys 2017 Conference. Congratulations!
2017 TEC Retreat in Val Bregaglia

The TEC group had a 4-day retreat a few weeks back. The perfect opportunity for team building, group work, and social activities activities!
PermaSense GPS sensor network in TV report on alpine natural hazards

On September 13, the Swiss national TV SRF1 aired a report on alpine natural hazards. In the report Jan Beutel, Senior Scientist at TEC, together with a colleague from UZH, demonstrates the PermaSense GPS sensor network monitoring alpine mass movements and their related natural hazards in Matter Valley/CH.
Invited Talk - Prof. Olaf Landsiedel, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Network-wide Consensus in Low-power Wireless Networks - Monday, July 10, 10:00 - 11:00, ETZ G7.2
The RocketLogger featured in media!

"Design&Elektronik" is a German journal for system designers. Their last newsletter was featuring the RocketLogger from TEC!
FameLab Switzerland Finalist

Romain Jacob made it to the Swiss final of "FameLab", an international science communication competition. Congratulations!
TEC Welcome High School Students

17 pupils from Romanshorn were visiting D-ITET today, they stopped by TEC for some cool demo!
Presentation at the Treffpunkt Science City

Dr. Jan Beutel, lead scientist on the Permasense project at TEC, gave a presentation at the Treffpunkt Science City entitled "Dank Internet wird das Matterhorn zum Labor" Check-it out!
UPDATE - Prof. Thiele Invited Speaker at DATE

Slides are now available - Prof. Thiele will give a talk in two weeks (29.03), on the future of Design for IoT at the 2017 DATE Conference
Fixposition, a startup from TEC to be incubated!

Co-founded by Zhenzhong Su and Tonio Gsell, the startup Fixposition as been selected by ESA BIC Switzerland to be incubated. Congratulations!
EWSN 2017 Dependability Competition - Code is now available!

Roman Lim, Reto Da Forno, and Feliz Sutton make first place at EWSN 2017 Dependability Competition. Congratulations!
TEC Winter Sport Day

Sledging in the Flümserberg - Snow, bumps, and sunshine for a nice social TEC event!
1st place @ EWSN 2017 Dependability Competition

Roman Lim, Reto Da Forno, and Feliz Sutton make first place at EWSN 2017 Dependability Competition. Congratulations!
Best Poster Award @ AK Permafrost 2017

Matthias Meyer wins Best Poster Award at the AK Permafrost 2017 workshop. Congratulations!
EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award

Dr. Marco Zimmerling Wins 2016 EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award. Congratulations!
PhD examination of Roman Lim

One more of our group members gets a doctorate from ETH. Congratulations!
Invited Talk - Prof. Kay Römer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Dependable Internet of Things - Tuesday, Jan 10, 11:00 - 12:00, ETZ E81