Best Paper and Best Demo Awards @ ICCPS and IPSN 2019
Romain Jacob receives the Best Paper Award and Best Demo Award from the ICCPS and IPSN conferences. Congratulations!

Romain Jacob's "Feedback Control Goes Wireless: Guaranteed Stability over Low-power Multi-hop Networks", a collaboration with TU Dresden and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, won Best Paper Award at the external page 2019ACM/IEEE International Conference for Cyber-physical Systems (ICCPS).
The corresponding demo was showcased at the external page 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), where it won the Best Demo Award.
The research addresses the problem of closing fast feedback loops over multi-hop wireless networks with stability guarantees. This is key to emerging applications, for example for motion control in teams of robots and swarm coordination. A short video featuring part of the research can be found below.