New Student Thesis
TEC has published new semester and master theses for the Spring Semester 2021.
Doctoral examination of Philipp Miedl

One more TEC member gets a doctorate from ETH. Congratulations!
Public release of FlockLab2

Refinement and extension of the original FlockLab testbed concept. Check-it out!
Doctoral examination of Lukas Sigrist

One more TEC member gets a doctorate from ETH. Congratulations!
Public release of ExOT

The Experiment Orchestration Toolkit (ExOT) supports reproducible, comparable and exhaustive experimental evaluation for cover channel research.
Fixposition raises 3.3M
A major step for the start-up co-funded by TEC member Tonio Gsell. Congratulations!
Doctoral examination of Romain Jacob

One more TEC member gets a doctorate from ETH. Congratulations!