Doctoral examination of Matthias Meyer

One more TEC member gets a doctorate from ETH. Congratulations!
Best Paper Awards @SECON2021, UrbCom2021 and Best Paper Runner up Award @CPD 2021.
Yun Cheng receives the Best Paper Awards from the SECON conference and two workshops UrbCom and CPD. Congratulations!
On-Device Last-Layer Learning
Machine learning on an ultra-low-power microcontroller
Doctoral examination of Stefan Draskovic

One more TEC member gets a doctorate from ETH. Congratulations!
RocketLogger Software Upgrade
Release of software version 2.0
First Cohort of Fellows by IFIP
Prof. Lothar Thiele has been nominated as first cohort of Fellows by IFIP. In 2021, IFIP has elevated 18 Members as first cohort of Fellows to the new higher status in recognition of their substantial and enduring contributions to the ICT industry.
Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award from IEEE RTS
Prof. Dr. Lothar Thiele receives the Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award from IEEE RTS.