Dual Processor Platform
The Dual Processor Platform (DPP) is a novel architecture template for networked embedded systems based on a strictly asynchronous processor interconnect that allows to minimize interference with a proven predictable behavior. Contrary to traditional platforms DPP tries to mitigate interference by isolating different tasks and mapping them onto dedicated hardware resources. Typically, two different task sets - (i) sensing/actuation/data processing and (ii) communication - are mapped onto two different physically separated processing elements (usually low-power microcontrollers), allowing each to be optimized according to their individual requirements. BOLT decouples application and communication processors with respect to time, power and clock domains. BOLT supports asynchronous message passing with predictable timing characteristics and therefore enables the system designer to construct highly-customized platforms that are easier to design, implement, debug, and maintain.
More details on the DPP webpage
Example application: event-triggered geophone