FlockLab 2 Testbed
FlockLab 2 is a second generation testbed for wireless sensor network and IoT applications which builds on the original FlockLab testbed concept. It features a co-located and tightly coupled observer platform directly connected to every sensor node (target). The observers can reprogram the target, log data from serial ports, trace and stimulate digital GPIOs, control the power supply and profile power consumption. In addition to the original FlockLab concept, FlockLab 2 has the following new features: high-dynamic range power profiling based on the RocketLogger, more accurate GNSS-based time synchronization, and native SWD debugging based on the Segger JLink OB for ARM targets. A list of all currently supported sensor nodes is available in the FlockLab 2 wiki. The testbed is set up on the campus in and around our department building with remote nodes across the city of Zurich allowing for joint in- and outdoor testing of wireless WSN and IoT applications. An overview of the FlockLab 2 testbed node locations is available in the FlockLab 2 wiki.
The observer and server software as well as the hardware design are available as open-source. If you use FlockLab 2 for your research please make sure to properly cite the testbed in your work.